Monday, March 8, 2010


I set this blog up quite some time ago, but, like most things in my life, I kept putting it on the backburner and hadn't posted anything. I suppose now is the time to change that!

A little update on all things Beck right now:
-We found out on Feb. 7 that we are going to have a baby! I'm 9 weeks pregnant today. After having three doctors tell me I'd have difficulty getting pregnant, it was a total SHOCK, to say the least. The shock has started to wear off, and the excitement is quickly taking its place. We're just praying for a healthy baby. I'm a total worrier by nature, so it is taking everything in me to remember that God is growing this baby, not me, and I have no control over what happens. I can take my prenatals, eat well, and take care of myself, but that's where my control ends. In all of the shock and excitement, we ended up telling pretty much everyone. I know it is considered unwise to tell people before you escape the dangers of the first trimester, but we decided to go ahead and share our news.

-Two weeks after finding out about our little babe, we found out that I will more than likely be losing my job. Our school (and every school in the state) is suffering tremendous budget cuts, and being the lowest on the seniority list in our department means I'm the first to go. The scariest part for us is that my job is our source of health insurance since Kevin is self-employed. The school has to offer me COBRA insurance, but it's $1050/mo for the three of us. Holyoverpricedinsurance. $1050? That's funny. There is a chance a girl in my department may take next year off, and if that happens, I'll get to stay for another year.

-Needless to say, house hunting is on hold for the time being.

-Also needless to say, life is craaazy right now. It is definitely a season of learning to trust trust trust. It sure is easy to talk about trusting God when you're not facing anything that really requires tremendous amounts of trust. We'll chalk it up to a learning experience :)

First post: Check.


  1. hooray for your first post!!
    i'll be praying for your job situation and also for a healthy sweet babe.
    great picture of you and Kevin!

  2. Yay! Having a blog is so much fun - especially to do baby updates! Love it and love you!
